shit talking bin stolen my years - text goes here
shit talking bin stolen my years - text goes here
I'm so tired of worrying. Even drinking doesn't fix it. Some nights I just wanna put a bullet somewhere effective and not have to worry about anything anymore.
Clyde Dickerson, I was lot without you. *dedicates Faithfully to you one last time*
What is this, I wondered. Shit talking is fun. Composting is boring. Is this where I can put those thoughts to rest, rotting in the shit talk compost bin. I'd really rather throw them out with the rest of the garbage.
Dear Evelyn Hampton, While we are not personally acquainted, we are very fond of your work and are piecing together a book project of which we would love for you to be a part. The description of our project is as follows: We are putting together a collection of blurbs for books that do not exist. The idea is to ask writers, theorists, and text-makers whom we admire to imagine that they've just read the most amazing book they've ever encountered and are now going to write a short promotional blurb for the back cover. These will be compiled as the Official Catalog of the Library of Potential Literature. The phrase 'potential literature' is, of course, highly associated with the Oulipo group. We're choosing to use it here because, as the Oulipo says, their project properly is to think of forms and potential books, not necessarily to bring them into being. Literature is potential literature when it is that shimmering non-work of total possibility. The Catalog will be a series of descriptive fragments that together evoke a library of wonderful--maybe even impossible--books; books that, in spite or even because of their non-existence, excite and fascinate. Each paragraph will be the promise of the unopened book in the moment before reading. Please let us know if this seems like something to which you would like to contribute. We don't need any text from you right away, but it would be really helpful to know whether or not you are interested. As for the details of the project: Willows Wept Press has agreed to release the compilation of blurbs as a small limited edition book. The tentative release date is for next fall and we are hoping to have all of our texts compiled by the end of July (though we can be somewhat flexible about that). Also, in case you are wondering, some of the other writers who have agreed to participate include Brian Evenson, Blake Butler, Vanessa Place, Marjorie Perloff, Diane Williams, Warren Motte, and Alexandra Chasin. Please let us know if you have any questions or ideas. Best, Ben Segal and Erinrose Mager
Why is every woman on the planet prettier, smarter or sexier than I am?
The logical/spirit mind is very relieved this has happened. The emotional/meat mind is nearly frantic because this has happened. I'm trying to stay in the spirit mind, but will the meat mind ever heal if I don't let it grieve?
Posted here because I need to get it out and you probably don't want to hear this. I know that it's raining right now for you. I know I cannot stop the rain. But please reach out for me. I may not stop the rain, but let me be your umbrella. If I can't clear the skies and bring the sun, at least let me keep you warm and dry.
Every time you pretend to care it confuses the hell out of me. I wish you'd just stop it and be honest.
Alexis is a robot! Goddamn I never realized this previously.
Damn reCAPTCHA updating their API, they need to start versioning their URLs or something smart like that.
Shit I forgot to put out those plants! Don't take the ones I grew for myself goddamnit.
My love is like a balloon Picture of childlike joy Shiny Bouyant Seemingly with a life of its own Easily won Reach out and grasp the string It is yours .... Ah, But that string Thin and tenuous Never forget it is yours It flies into the autumn sky Never to return
Do you think I'm stupid? You said you were going to a conference. I called the city information, there's no such conference. You think just posting "missing someone" means I'll assume it's for me? Do you think I'm stupid? Once a cheater, always a cheater. You're up to your old tricks again, you low down lying three-timing slimy dog.
I hate myself for loving you. I hate this insecure depressed little whiny needy bitch that you've turned me into. I hate the way you always leave me with juuust enough to keep hanging on. I hate that you took a happy, satisfied and generally good person and turned me into a cheating and unsatisfied with everything in my life person. Either start being romantic again or get the fuck out of my life. All I do is spend every day aching for you and wanting you and generally being either depressed or pissed off because of the distant way you treat me, and then you have the temerity to ask me how I can possibly doubt your feelings for me. Maybe if you'd actually say 1/10th of the uplifting things I say to you I wouldn't be fucked up like this and trying to hide it from every damn person I know.
Well, that was rude as hell, cutting off the conversation like that. You realize it looks like I caught you having sex with someone else so you just ditched out on me, right?
Why am I so helpless to his advances? I never meant to have an internet lover when I already have one in real life. I'm just SO HELPLESS to his advances! I feel so guilty, but apparently not guilty enough to stop, which just makes it worse. It was supposed to stay role play. And then it was never supposed to get out of the livechat box. But tomorrow it's Naked LivePhone time. How the hell did this happen? Why does he turn me on so much??
How do I tell him I love him as much as he loves me, but remind him that this is only the infatuation phase?
I do not need you. But damn it hurts that you don't want me.
Will you just STFU and get back in character? Every SECOND you're OOC you're fucking up IC relationship! Are you DENSE???
the grey cat killed a black and white bird. oh dear.
nervous energy radiates from you, my brother.
Remains of things you killed and ate; things you grew; things that grew in space you're responsible for; things that died in that space; dead things. Everything here was composted at the shit talk compost bin.